
The Bokashi buckets are made utilising some recycled plastic and help eliminate food waste from your home. Invented in Japan, this all-food recycling system uses effective microbes or bokashi" — a Japanese word meaning "fermented organic matter" — to decompose the matter.

A bokashi compost system is one of the easiest ways to direct food waste away from landfill and instead create valuable soil conditioner and fertiliser for your garden. 

It utilises Effective Micro-organisms, which are introduced as part of either a grain mix or liquid spray, to ferment food waste. Bokashi is a unique composting system as almost all your food waste — even dairy, meat and fish — can be easily fermented in your kitchen. 

Bokashi compost systems are small enough to fit in your kitchen or in another convenient area in your home. It doesn’t smell, doesn’t attract insects, is easy to use and will help you reduce the amount of food waste sent to landfill.

What is the difference between various Bokashi brands?

Biome stocks the popular and high performing Bokashi One and Urban Composter brands. The bins for these two bokashi systems function the same but are different shapes and have different lid types, and Bokashi One uses grains and Urban Composter uses a liquid spray.  Both grains and spray contain the effective microorganisms. We go into detail about this as well as answer all of your frequent bokashi questions in this blog post here >

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