We recently asked you to share your favourite tips for an eco-friendly Christmas.
The answers from our community have been truly inspiring. Here are some of our favourites:
Create Your Own Christmas Tree
Shayna's tip is to avoid purchasing another plastic Christmas tree and instead create a unique timber wall hanging with recycled wood and rosemary! One of a kind, fun to create and we image this would smell incredible!
Avoid Single-Use Plastic Plates
At Christmas time, many of us are likely to be entertaining large groups of family and friends. If you don't have enough crockery and cutlery, Jacob recommends to avoid resorting to single-use plastic plates and instead pick something up from your local op shop. You can always donate them back to the op shop after Christmas, or pack them away for future gatherings!
Menu Plan & Don't Over Cater
Liz likes to create a special menu plan for the days she knows she will be entertaining - Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Her kids write the days menu out inside a Christmas card and stand it on the decorated table. Her kids feel like they are at a restaurant and they eat special dishes that are more fancy than usual. But because Liz has a menu planned for every meal, they don't buy and consume excess amounts of food and there is minimal wastage.
Reuse Gift Wrap
Sharron has a really fun way to reduce waste at Christmas time. Her family, including her grandchildren, use wrapping paper from the years before. Every year, they sign the back of each piece of wrapping paper with the date to see how long it will last.
Give Gifts That Will Last
When it comes to gift giving, Kate gives gifts that are designed to be long lasting instead of single-use items or those with a short life span. One high quality, long lasting gift is so much better than 10 single-use, easily broken gifts, especially when it comes to kids. She loves this eco-friendly Christmas tip as it results in far less waste in landfill over time.
Give Practical Gifts
Meredith suggests to give gifts that are practical, long lasting and great for the environment in terms of reducing
single use plastic. At Christmas time, Meredith loves to gift her family and friends reusable produce bags and sandwich wraps.
Support a Charity & Give Meaningful Gifts
Nicole's family are avid readers and adore choosing books for one another. At Christmas time they give each other a borrowed book from the library and donate the money they would have otherwise spent on gifts to a charity they think the other would delight in supporting. It's a win win! And if the other person doesn't like the book there are a million choices to exchange it for at the library.
Do you have a favourite tip for an eco friendly Christmas? Share it with us in the comments section below. Shop our range of green Christmas gift ideas, fair trade decorations, recycled cards and gift wrap, and plastic free entertaining solutions here >