Reduce your energy bills with LED lights
Here are our top five quick, easy and efficient ways to reduce your energy bills. 1. Switch your halogen and incandescent light bulbs to our energy efficient LED light bulbs. Replacing the five most frequently used lights in your home with with LED light bulbs can save you up to $75 off your power bill each year. LED light bulbs consume about 85 percent less energy and are designed to last about 50 times longer which means less maintenance and less landfill. 2. Use energy meters to keep track of what you are spending. It's helpful to see how much energy you are using each time you turn on the oven or even just the kettle. Having an idea of what your appliances are costing you, by using an energy meter, helps you decide which energy hungry appliances need to take a break. 3. Unplug appliances at the wall when they are not in use. When possible unplug any appliances that aren't necessary like your TV and accessories. It may not be very much but many appliances use electricity even when they are turned off if they are still plugged in. Appliances with 'Stand-by' mode are the biggest culprits. Tune in and switch of ~ the savings will soon add up! 4. Try different methods to cool or heat in extreme weather. Try some passive cooling around the house instead of turning on the air-conditioner. Installing shade cloths around the house helps to minimise the sun's effects heating up the house. Open the windows and doors to create a cross breeze. In the cooler weather it's easy to add another layer of clothing or fill up a hot water bottle before you crank up the heating. Conventional light bulbs create heat, by using LED light bulbs you decrease the amount of heat generated, so you are not only saving money you will be cooler around the collar. 5. Buy low consumption appliances when it's time to switch. If you are renovating or moving, switching to energy efficient appliances such as dryers, refrigerators, and washing machines will save a lot of electricity and money in the long run. All appliances sold in Australia should come with an energy rating out of 5 stars, try to aim for the highest star rating within your budget and specifications for the best return on investment. See our LED lighting specials to help you save when you switch to LED light bulbs>