Exfoliators: Alternatives to Microbeads

Alternatives to Microbeads

Microbeads (also known as microplastics) are tiny pieces of plastic causing a major problem in our oceans and waterways. Found in face and body washes, scrubs and toothpastes, the beads are smaller than 5 micrometres and easily go down our drains, ending up in our waterways where they absorb toxins in the water, can be swallowed by fish and make their way back up the food chain, potentially ending up on our plates. The US has moved to ban the sale and manufacture of products containing microbeads and similar discussion were had in Australia earlier in the year, resulting in a voluntary phase-out by skincare manufacturers by July 2018. Thankfully there are natural alternatives to microbeads that have the same, if not better, exfoliating results, meaning you can phase out microbeads in your own life much sooner!


Especially good for delicate or sensitive skin, powder exfoliators use finely milled natural ingredients such as rice powder, argan shell, oatmeal, wheatgrass and various clays to gently exfoliate, smoothe and revitalise delicate facial skin. Use once or twice a week as an exfoliator or for oily skin, they can be used more frequently. We recommend: Black Chicken Remedies Complexion Polish and Mokosh Face Cleansing Powder


There are actually plenty of ingredients found in nature that can achieve the same exfoliating effect as microbeads, without the harmful environmental toll. Shells of crushed walnuts, rice bran and loofa are combined in Sanctum's Gentle Face Exfoliant to work away at dry skin. Acure's Brightening Facial Scrub takes its ingredients from the ocean (organic sea kelp and lemon peel) to create an exfoliating scrub. For your body, where skin is less sensitive, you can use something a bit more hardworking such as a salt or sugar scrub. Pink Himalayan Salt Scrub from Eco Tan by Sonya is a wonderful pre-tan scrub that is applied to dry skin and delivers deep and lasting hydration. For the DIY queens out there, another option is to make a homemade scrub from lovely natural ingredients. Our new book, Handmade Beauty: Natural Recipes for Your Face, Body and Hair, contains recipes for a range of beauty products that you might need.

We recommend: Sanctum Gentle Face Exfoliant, Eco Tan by Sonya Pink Himalayan Salt Scrub

Sponges and Brushes

For a waste-free and reusable exfoliating option, it's hard to go past sponges and dry brushes. One of our favourite products for both cleansing and lightly exfoliating are the KUU Konjac Sponges. Made from the 100% natural konjac vegetable plant root, these sponges can be used with or without cleanser. For deeper exfoliating, why not try dry brushing both body and face. It is best done in the mornings on dry skin - you can read our page on dry brushing here for full benefits and instructions

We recommend: KUU Konjac Sponges, Bodecare body brushes, iKou Japanese dry body brush and Safix coco foot & body brushing scrub pad Any of these products or methods will refresh your skin, without causing more environmentally damaging plastics from entering our waterways.

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